Face-to-Face Activity Fund - Working groups

Before applying for this fund please ensure you have everything needed for each question in the form below. Incomplete applications will be rejected. You will need to provide:

  • A thorough overview of the activity, clearly demonstrating the added value of holding a face-to-face event rather than a virtual one. 
  • budget for the event which clearly stipulates which costs (if any) would be refundable in the event the venue had to be cancelled due to newly imposed restrictions, and a timeline for which refunds might hold
  • Evidence of host institution approval.

Working groups are strongly encouraged to hold their events virtually on our Zoom account(s) and will be supported by our Conference and Events Assistant who will create the webpage and registration forms, handle the administration, and act as a technical host for your event. This means that the events are:

  • Financially viable
  • Support our environmental commitment, reducing the amount of travel required to bring colleagues together from around the world
  • more accessible than face-to-face events for many of our members both in the UK and abroad, as well as those with disabilities, those with caring responsibilities, and those for whom the costs of additional travel (even local) may be prohibitive. All our Zoom events have closed captions available.
  • Covid secure
  • Free for attendees.

However, this working group activity fund has been set up to support you to hold face-to-face events when necessary. Conveners should apply using the form below.

We encourage working groups to obtain match funding or in-kind contributions where possible and priority will be given to working groups who demonstrate this. Requests up to a maximum of £1,000 will be considered. BISA is currently prioritising PGR and ECR travel bursaries but will also consider accommodation and catering costs where no alternative funding is available. The maximum number of bursaries per working group is limited to 10. BISA will not consider keynote speaker fees. Please note funds are for BISA members only. 

There will be two application rounds in the course of anacademic year with deadlines on 1 September and 1 March respectively. You are strongly encouraged to submit requests as early as possible.

Description of planned activity

Below is provision for you to detail the activity for which your working group is seeking funding. You will need to clearly demonstrate the added value of holding a face-to-face event rather than a virtual one. Please also include the following details:

  • a brief description of the activity, including title if known, dates, location and proposed keynote speaker(s)

  • indicate output from/impact of planned activities.

Itemised budget

  • list budget lines clearly
  • clearly stipulate which costs (if any) would be refundable in the event the venue had to be cancelled due to newly imposed restrictions, and a timeline for which refunds might hold

Name of Event:
PG bursaries (6 x £100): £600
Catering £300
Room hire: £0 (provided free-of-charge by Uni of X)
Subtotal of BISA funding: £900

The accommodation is non-refundable once booked.
The PG bursaries will be used for travel and accommodation. Both can be moved to a different day until 24 hours before the event but not refunded.
Catering can be cancelled with a minimum of five working days noticed. If cancelled after this time it must be paid in full.

Will you receive any other income over the course of the funding cycle?
This should include sponsorship.
This might include a letter or email from the host.
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
You should include all details such as name of external funder, amount and whether there is a commitment to particular resources.
The information you have provided on this form will be held by BISA electronically in order to comply with accounting and taxation record keeping laws. This form will be shared with BISA staff and trustees in order that the use of BISA funds is properly monitored.

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