Content from Environment and Climate Politics working group
Environment and Climate Politics
To join a working group you must first join BISA.
The new Environment and Climate Politics Working Group is a group that encompasses all research and researchers who share a commitment and concern for tackling questions of environment and climate politics. These questions are global, and so is our membership. They include questions of climate, but also of land, air, water, and biosphere. The group aims to build community amongst those interested in environmental politics, establishing BISA as a hub for this research in the UK.
Follow the group on Twitter/X: @BISA_ECPWG
Photo sourced from the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service via Wikimedia Commons
News and analysis
Hello from the Environment and Climate Politics Working Group conveners
Reflections on convening the Environment Working Group
Upcoming events
Book launch: The IPCC and the Politics of Writing Climate Change
Circles of solidarity: Reimagining environment and climate politics scholarship in a crisis-ridden world
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