About Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding and Human Rights

The Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding and Human Rights Working Group (PKPBHR) provides a space for scholars to deepen understanding of the myriad of third-party interventions into areas of violent conflict, with the aim of reducing violence and building sustainable models of peace.

We look at forms of intervention in violent conflict, which covers diplomatic initiatives, the deployment of military, civilian and police capacities by multilateral and regional organisations, or intervention by parties within conflict zones. At times, this engages with more applied assessment of intervention and its impact, at other times, this critically examines the longer-term drivers and theoretical foundations of intervention.

Our group also provides a space for interdisciplinary work that seeks to develop a wider understanding of global human protection activities, including the issues of civilian protection, human rights and the prosecution of mass atrocity crimes.

As well as the traditional actors engaged in such interventions, our group has evolved to examine intervention into violent contexts from community actors, and the evolution of the type of intervention, such as unarmed civilian protection strategies. Additionally, the groups has evolved to better understanding issues of transitional justice in post conflict contexts.

In addition, PKPBHR is a unique place insofar that it provides a space for concepts of peace, and its institutionalisation (through peacekeeping and peacebuilding interventions) to be analysed. This goes beyond geographic case studies of conflict and towards theoretical advancement in the field of peacebuilding. Work in this area has engaged with debates over power imbalances within the UN, the unintended consequences of peacekeeping interventions, everyday peace, critical peace studies, and liberal peacebuilding. 

If you would like to join you will need to be a member of BISA. If you're already a member you can join by logging in to your membership area.

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Dr Nancy Annan
Coventy University
Dr David Curran
Coventry University
Dr Sam Jarvis
York St John University
Sabrina White (Postgraduate representative)
University of Leeds



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