
Indiana Jones and the temple of scholarly doom/eternal light: Navigating peace and conflict fieldwork

This event will be in Zoom

Join our Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group for a discussion of fieldwork methods and practices at the launch of the recently published The Companion to Peace and Conflict Fieldwork edited by Roger Mac Ginty, Roddy Brett and Birte Vogel. The book includes contributions from over thirty scholars who, writing in the first person, reflect on the complexity of dealing with human subjects in conflict-affected contexts. During the session, authors will explore issues around race, gender, positionality and conflict sensitivity and will offer their insights on the personal, the political and the unanticipated in fieldwork.


Sarah Njeri, Overseas Development Institute

Eric Lepp, University of Waterloo

Laura Routley and Katharine Wright, University of Newcastle


Roger Mac Ginty, Durham University

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