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Executive Committee candidates 2024 announced - vote now!
We're very pleased to announce the candidates for positions on our Executive Committee. We have four positions open - Secretary and three ordinary trustees.
Your candidates are:

I am Professor in International Relations and European Politics, as well as Jean Monnet Chair at Northumbria University in Newcastle. I am extremely passionate about supporting the development of the International Studies community both in the UK and worldwide. Having served as trustee in the BISA Executive Committee, I am now running for the position of Secretary in order to expand on the work I have developed so far.
The support I’ve received from BISA since arriving to the UK in 2012, in terms of meeting like-minded scholars; receiving and offering feedback and informal mentoring; developing research projects; and sharing learning and teaching resources, as well as the opportunity to co-lead on the BISA European Security Working Group from 2016 to 2020, has been invaluable. I have, as a BISA trustee, strived to give back to this community by supporting the organisation of BISA awards and BISA teaching and research events. I hope these will contribute to support colleagues’ career trajectories, as well as enhance the standing of International Studies in the UK. I would like to continue this work, from a more strategic perspective, as Secretary, to further expand BISA’s role in supporting its members and the wider society at a time when Higher Education in the UK is undergoing considerable upheaval.

I am Professor of War and Technology at the University of Bath. I have been active in BISA throughout my career. In 2012, I was excited to become the BISA Treasurer and work on the new resources, publications and investments as BISA continued to grow. Then being Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Bath, I stepped back from the BISA Exec but still came to the conferences and still presented my work, in the warmer though often rainy June conferences. I also joined the first editorial team of BISA’s new journal, European Journal of International Security. Since returning to my department, I continue to participate in the BISA working groups and the annual conferences. I am currently part of the War Studies and Astropolitics working groups as well as the Russian and European Security working groups. Given my past with BISA and in the BISA Exec as well as active research with many in the field of security and defence in the UK, I have a great opportunity to bring that experience and all that I have learned from our International Relations academic community to support the student and research of IR as the next BISA Secretary.

I am Professor of International Security, Director of the Global Insecurities Centre at the University of Bristol and was the founding editor-in-chief of BISA’s European Journal of International Security (2016-19). I first joined BISA in 1999 and am grateful for the many opportunities it has given me during my career. BISA is incredibly important in building academic networks and friendships, nurturing postgraduate and early-career colleagues, and advancing the frontiers of the discipline through the work of its members and its flagship publications. I am running for the position of BISA general trustee because, at a difficult time for UK higher education, I believe it is important we work together to advocate for UK IR in the wider academy and beyond. I want to invest time and energy in helping BISA to do that. With strong links to policymakers, I want to help the executive team communicate the value of IR research to government and wider society. In addition, as a former editor, I will support the journal teams to navigate a changing academic publishing landscape. Above all, I’ll work to maintain BISA as a pluralistic and collegiate community of scholarship at the cutting edge of the discipline worldwide.

Hello, folks. It’s a bit daunting asking for votes, but here goes.
My first BISA annual conference was in back in 2007. Since, I’ve been involved with a few working groups (e.g. CTS and USfp) and am keen to give something back to an organisation that provides a sense of intellectual home for ‘British IR’. I’m keen to help defend and promote our discipline and UKHE at a moment when the economic waters look particularly choppy. I’m also keen to help create a more equitable discipline, with research interests that include gender (e.g. sexism and the double bind) and race (e.g. silent whiteness and IR’s colonial aphasia).
As a Professor at Leeds, I have a pretty balanced CV, combining leadership experience, teaching awards (including BISA's!), and a strong research profile. I’ve had stints as Subject and Academic Group Leader (a bit like being Head of Dept but with no actual power), as well as DoR, Centre Director, and in a range of teaching and pastoral roles. I’m also halfway through a six-year term as Editor of (PSA’s) the British Journal of Politics and International Relations, which gives me an excellent overview of current research in Politics and International Studies.

I am a Reader in International Politics at City, University of London, a British Academy Mid-Career Fellow, and a Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics. I am running for re-election as a Trustee because I believe BISA plays a vital role in enabling substantive scholarly discourse and debates. I am committed to furthering BISA’s inclusive and pluralist vision. BISA is uniquely well suited to provide a forum where diverse interests, perspectives, and methodologies are respected and can, therefore, contribute greatly to deepening our understanding of global politics within the academy and beyond. I wish to continue my work to further BISA’s diversity, equality, and inclusion activities. Strengthened support for early career researchers and PhD students is another priority. Having organized BISA’s early career mentor day this year, I am keen to continue efforts to support early career scholars and PhD students. Finally, I’m particularly interested in fostering greater engagement with policymakers and NGOs in the UK and abroad. Events and activities focused on bridging the policy-scholarship divide will be useful for all members by exploring various ways to use their skills to engage a wider audience and increase awareness of members’ research.

Thank you for considering me as a candidate for the trustee position at BISA’s executive committee. I am a mid-career researcher and teacher eager to contribute to the development of our field. My first experience as a trustee for a learned society was with the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. This experience demonstrated to me the importance of a dedicated executive committee to advancing the interests of an academic field, researchers, and students, gaining experience in communicating with colleagues from different disciplines, backgrounds, and views and an understanding of the inner workings of an academic association. Hence, when the opportunity came to join BISA’s executive committee, I was keen to bring this experience with me and contribute to the ongoing shaping of our field. As a scholar, I aim to bridge International Relations with Comparative Politics, History, and Sociology. Since my geographical expertise lies in the Middle East, but with a growing interest in East Africa, I aspire to strengthen the discipline’s focus on these regions. As a trustee, I hope to advance these interests by encouraging interdisciplinarity in the association’s activities and developing connections with scholars and associations in these regions.
You can choose up to three nominees to be elected as regular trustees, or you can choose 'no suitable candidate'.
Who is eligible to vote?
All full members and institutional members of BISA are eligible to vote. Student and school members are not. You must have been a member when voting opened on Wednesday 1 May at 10am.
How do I vote?
If you're eligible, you should have received an email from Choice Voting on Wednesday 1 May. This email contains a link to a secure and anonymous platform where you can cast your votes. If you think you may be eligible but didn't receive your email, please contact Dominic Hart: Dominic.Hart@bisa.ac.uk. All votes must be cast by the time the election closes on Monday 13 May at 11.59pm (UK time).