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An update from the European Journal of International Security
New issue
In May 2022, the editorial team at the European Journal of International Security is pleased to announce the publication of EJIS Volume 7 Issue 2. This issue features a special section on securitisation, research articles from Byun and Mross as well as a book symposium on Rita Floyd’s ‘Morality of security: A theory of just securitisation.’
In this issue's special section, Sahar and Kaunert assess the processes and trends of desecuritisation through the deradicalisation of identity politics within the higher education sector in Afghanistan. Castro uses fantasy video game World of Warcraft as a large-scale thought experiment to ask how a distinct security model is still possible when the normalisation of armed violence exceeds what Schmitt’s political theory can provide for. Finally, Larsson takes the case of the Swedish Covid-19 strategy to consider failed securitisation or constitutional security management.
EJIS Volume 7 Issue 2 will be free to access until the end of May 2022.
In their latest FirstView article, Morgan-Owen and Gould explore ‘The politics of future war: Civil military relations and military doctrine in Britain’ whilst Mutallimzada and Steiner investigate ‘Fighters’ motivations for joining extremist groups’ in the case of the Right Sector’s Volunteer Ukrainian Corps.
EJIS conversations
The latest EJIS conversation features BISA Director Juliet Dryden in conversation with Tarak Barkawi, author of popular EJIS article ‘Decolonising war’.
Pre-submission feedback
Finally, for those based or trained in global regions underrepresented in the fields of International Relations and security, don’t miss the opportunity to gain pre-submission feedback on your research. Contact F.Petrizzo@leeds.ac.uk to learn more.
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