Call for papers: European Security Working Group 7th annual workshop -The Ukraine War and the remaking of European security

The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to fundamental shifts in European security, including in Russo-Western relations, NATO and EU strategy and many countries national security and defence policies. This workshop will examine how the Ukraine war has re-made European security and the impact of various different scenarios arising from the Ukraine war on European security. The workshop will encompass empirical, theoretical and policy-oriented perspectives.
We particularly welcome paper proposals on – but not limited to – any of the following:
- The origins and causes of the Russian invasion of Ukraine;
The development of Russian foreign and security policy;
Ukrainian security and defence policy in the context of 2022 Ukraine war;
NATO’s response to the Ukraine war;
The EU’s response to the Ukraine war;
Shifts in national security and defence policies in response to the Ukraine war;
Nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the Ukraine war;
Warfare, military strategy and military technology in light of the Ukraine war;
- Theoretical perspectives on any of the above issues and papers considering theories of European security in light of the Ukraine war.
The workshop will also have one or more open panels, covering other aspects of European security, in order to remain open to Working Group members whose research interests may not relate to the Ukraine war.
One aim of the workshop will be to support the development of special issue of a journal on ‘The Ukraine War and the Re-making of European Security’.
The workshop will take place on a hybrid basis to enable the widest possible participation by members. We are applying for funds from BISA so that we can support PhD Candidates and Early Career Researchers towards travelling and accommodation costs (approx. £200.00 for up to 5 PhDs/ECRs). Please indicate whether you require financial support when submitting your abstract.
Paper abstracts (maximum of 200 words) should be submitted to by Sunday, 20 November 2022.
Please get in touch if you have any questions concerning the workshop.
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