
Building solidarity in times of permacrisis: IPEG annual workshop

This event will be in King's College London

This event is run with the support of the International Political Economy Research Group, Department of European and International Studies, King’s College London.

Capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy have always produced and have fed upon crises. Yet the multi-layered and mutually amplifying crises we currently face are felt and suffered even more urgently, laying bare the interconnectedness between economic, geopolitical, environmental, and social dimensions. The threat and reality of ‘permacrisis’ reminds us of the need to build bridges across disciplinary and conceptual divides and in material terms. Because of its inherent cross-disciplinary vocation, International Political Economy is ideally placed to provide a space for these conversations and practices.

The 2023 BISA IPEG annual workshop will unpack the historical drivers of these crises, discuss their obvious and hidden connections, highlight their uneven impacts, and build new forms of solidarity to render what seems permanent, temporary. What are new conceptualisations that allow us to see the politics of the current disjuncture? How can we create the space to build alternatives? How can we resist the forces we know lead to crises? What is the role of IPE and academia in allowing us to change and transcend capitalist dynamics in its gendered, classed, and racialised forms? But how do IPE and HE in fact perpetuate what we seek to dismantle? What can IPE learn from other disciplines?


Thursday 11 May

10:00-10:15  Early Career Researchers Registration

10:15-12:00  Early Career Researchers Panel 'Navigating Academia in Times of (Permanent) Crisis: Publishing, Job Applications, Post-Doc Funding and Research Time'

12:00-13:00  ECR lunch

13:00-13:15  Registration

13:15-14:00  Welcome from the IPEG Convenor Team

14:00-15:30  Session 1

1A. Welfare State and Social Policies in a Political Economy of Crises and Exclusion

  • Tomás Nougués (Universidad Nacional de San Martín/CONICET)
  • Salvador Santino Regilme (Leiden University)
  • Gareth Bryant (University of Sydney)
  • Haile Zola (London School of Economics)
  • Maria Clara Oliveira (CoLABOR / University of Coimbra)

1B. Constraints and Drivers of Economic Growth and Trade

  • Gonçalo Filipe Amado (University of Coimbra)
  • Oksana Lekvovych (LSE)
  • Gregoire Noel (University of Georgetown)
  • Viktor Skyrman (Stockholm School of Economics) 
  • Gonçalo Filipe Amado (University of Coimbra)

1C. National and Transnational Agents of Global Capitalism

  • Inga Rademacher (City, University of London)
  • Adam Blanden (King’s College London)
  • Ciarán O’Flynn (King’s College London) and Tuna Freyburg (University of St. Gallen)
  • Hannes Baumann (University of Liverpool)

15:30-16:00  Coffee Break

16:00-17:30  Session 2

2A. The Political Economy of Financial Power: Peripheral, Subordinated and Extroverted Financialisation

  • Bruno Bonizzi (University of Hertfordshire) and Annina Kaltenbrunner (University of Leeds)
  • Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College London)
  • Joel Rabinovich (King’s College London)
  • Annina Kaltenbrunner (University of Leeds)
  • Mareike Beck (King’s College London)

2B. Structure and Agency in the International Multilateral Order

  • Ivica Petrikova (Royal Holloway, University of London)
  • Ronen Palan (City)
  • Martin Hearson (International Centre for Tax and Development / Institute of Development Studies)
  • Muhammad Zulkifly (University of Durham)
  • Stefan Zylinsky (University of Bristol)

17:30-18:30  Wrap-up Drinks

Friday 12 May

09:00-10:30  Session 3

3A. The Practical Life of Ideas During Crisis: The Political Determinants of Economic Ideas in Times of Upheaval

  • Magnus Ryner (King’s College London), Johan Ekman (Åbo Akademi) and Rune Møller Stahl (Copenhagen Business School)
  • Gianmarco Fifi (LSE)
  • Neil Warner (LSE)
  • John Christopher Bick (LSE)
  • Gianmarco Fifi (LSE) and Virginia Crespi de Valldaura (LSE)

3B. Housing, Infrastructure and the Built Environment in IPE

  • Matthew Eagleton-Pierce (SOAS, University of London)
  • William Davies (Goldsmiths, University of London), Sahil Jai Dutta (City), Nick Taylor (Goldsmiths)
  • Fraser Curry (King’s College London)
  • Dasom Hong (St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford)

10:30-11:00  Coffee Break

11:00-12:30  Session 4

4A. Labour, Struggles and Solidarity Amidst Crises

  • Remi Edwards (University of Sheffield)
  • Ramón Antonio Gutiérrez Palacios (Independent Researcher)
  • Ahlem Faraoun (University of Sussex)
  • Mary Abounabhan (Institute of Development Studies)
  • Anne-Meike Fechter (University of Sussex) and Eileen May (Covenant Research Institute, Myanmar)

4B. Alternative Modes of Knowledge Production for a Time of Crises

  • Scott James (King’s College London)
  • Christopher Holmes (King’s College London)
  • John Narayan (King’s College London)
  • Jessica Underwood (University of Warwick)

4C. The Political Economy of Growth Models in an Age of Stagnation

  • Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College London) and Inga Rademacher (City, University of London)

  • Benjamin Tippet (University of Greenwich), Karsten Kohler (University of Leeds) and Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College London)

  • Chiara Benassi (King’s College London), Joshua Cova (King’s College London) and Guendalina Anzolin (King’s College London)

  • Ian Lovering (King’s College London) and Inga Rademacher (City, University of London)

12:30-13:30  Lunch Break

13:30-15:00  Session 5 

5A. Historicising Empire: Social Reproduction at the Intersection of the National and the Global

  • Kasper Arabi (University of Warwick)
  • Liam Stanley (University of Sheffield)
  • Ben Richardson (University of Warwick)
  • Armando Van Rankin Anaya (University of Sussex)

5B. Ecological and Economic Moments of the Capitalist Crisis

  • André Novas Otero (King’s College London)
  • Tom Purcell (King’s College London), Martín Arboleda (Universidad Diego Portales) and Pablo Roblero (Independent Scholar)
  • Joseph Baines (King’s College London) and Sandy Hager (City, University of London)
  • Erica Borg (King’s College London) and Amedeo Policante (Nova University of Lisbon)
  • Luis Andueza (King’s College London)

15:00-15:30  Coffee Break

15:30-17:00  IPEG Book Prize Lecture

  • Liam Campling & Alejandro Colás, Capitalism and the Sea: The Maritime Factor in the Making of the Modern World

17:00-18:30  Final Reception

Please see the attached schedule for full details and locations.

Closing date for registration is Tuesday 2 May 2023.


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