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Joint BISA/PSA call for nominations to REF 2021 Politics and International Relations sub-panel
PSA/BISA REF Sub-Panel members nominations process
The PSA and BISA welcome nominations to the REF Sub-Panel 19 Politics and International Studies. If you are interested in serving as a sub-panel member, please send a one page letter of application and a one page C.V. to either the Chair of PSA or BISA via the email addresses below. Given the work/time commitment of sub-panel membership, your application letter should indicate that you have a clear endorsement from your Head of Department/School. Applications are particularly welcome from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues and from women. The names of people nominated in 2017 will remain in consideration so there is no need to reapply.
The deadline for applications is noon, Tuesday 17 March.
The REF sub-panel would particularly welcome expressions of interest in the fields of International Relations (with substantive experience in foreign policy and security studies, and methodological range including qualitative, quantitative and formal methods) and Political Theory (including analytical post-Rawlsian political theory, with methodological range including non-ideal as well as ideal theory).
Expressions of interest from other areas of Politics and International Relations will also be considered.
We would also like to receive expressions of interest from potential user assessors, or suggestions from colleagues regarding possible user nominees. User assessors are required in the following areas:
- security and foreign policy;
- international development;
- EU and international politics;
- gender;
- UK public policy and constitutional issues;
- elections and parties.
Applications will be considered by the trustees of each organisation and a long list passed onto the PSA/BISA REF Joint Working Group. This group will collate the applications and produce a nominations list. Following a final endorsement by the PSA and BISA Trustees, the list of nominations will be sent to the funding councils.
Please send applications to either of the following addresses:
Angelia Wilson, PSA Chair, a.r.wilson@manchester.ac.uk
Mark Webber, BISA Chair, M.A.Webber.1@bham.ac.uk