
IHR International History Seminar – British International History Group PhD Talks 2020-21

This event will be in Zoom

The IHR International History Seminar and the British International History Group are seeking PhD research students working on any area of international history to deliver five-minute talks on their research.

These talks will form the last seminar in the IHR International History Seminar’s 2020-21 programme on Tuesday 22 June 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm London time on Zoom. This event is designed to give new scholars opportunity to present their work, meet fellow PhD researchers and publicise their research in a friendly research environment. It is part of the continuing efforts of the IHR International History Seminar and BIHG to promote PhD research students and their work.

We will select a small number of PhD research students to take part in this event. Speakers will be invited to a pre-meeting to get to know each other and develop new contacts. They will also receive comments from a discussant at the seminar. Where possible, those not selected will be invited to speak at later BIHG or IHR International History Seminar events.

If you would like to apply to take part, please submit your name, the title of your PhD thesis, your year of study, name of supervisor, institutional affiliation, and a 150-word description of your research by 5.00pm on Friday 21 May 2021. PhD supervisors are also encouraged to inform their PhD research students about this opportunity.

Our aim is to represent the field and its researchers as broadly as possible. Selections will be announced on Friday 28 May 2021.

Contact: Dr James Ellison, j.r.v.ellison@qmul.ac.uk

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